An occasional outlet for my thoughts on life, technology, motorcycles, backpacking, kayaking, skydiving...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Command line tool for dpaste

There are lots of snippet hosts sites that are good for sharing in chats. I like dpaste because its interface is simple and effective even if it doesn't have an official API. I wrote this tool to help use it from the command line. Here is an easy way for you to get it:

cd ~/bin #assuming you have a personal bin folder in your $PATH
curl -o dpaste
chmod +s dpaste

If you look at the title for that dpaste "paste" you'll see an example of how to use it:
dpaste command line tool example title
There are a lot of really cool things happening there.

  • The tool published itself

  • It used my OS username

  • It captured the entire command line for the title

  • The command included a Unix pipe

  • The command included process substitution

And to top it all off I landed a really cool, rounded paste number (92000).

Just in case that paste disappears I will also place a copy of the code here:

# In order for the default title to capture the complete command, a shebang (#!) must not be used
cat < < EOF
dpaste - a command line tool for posting to
dpaste [-h] [-l language] [-t title|-u] [-p poster|-a] [file]

dpaste accepts a stdin pipe and posts the content to
with the command (complete with pipes) as the title and your username as
the name. If you pass a file it will be sent instead of stdin and the
filename will be used as the title. The following flags are available:
-H Hold until nobody has looked at it for 180 days.
-l language
Specify: Python|PythonConsole|Sql|DjangoTemplate|JScript|
-t title
Override the default title.
-u Paste untitled.
-p poster
Override the default Name/Email.
-a Paste anonymously.
-- Denote the end of flags. Needed if filename starts with a "-".

Copyright (c) 2008 Richard Bronosky
Offered under the terms of the MIT License.
Created while employed by Atlanta Journal-Constitution

title=$(history|tail -n1|tr "\t" "#"|sed "s/[^#]*#//")
poster=$(id -un);

while [[ $1 == -* ]]; do
case "$1" in
-h|--help|-\?) usage; exit 0;;
-H) hold="-F hold=on"; shift;;
-l) language=$2; shift 2;;
-t) title=$2; shift 2;;
-u) unset title; shift;;
-p) poster=$2; shift 2;;
-a) unset poster; shift;;
--) shift; break;;

if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then

url=$(curl -s -L -o /dev/null -w "%{url_effective}" \
-F "content=<$content" \
-F "language=$language" \
-F "title=$title" \
-F "poster=$poster" \

# copy the url to the clipboard if you are using a Mac
$(which pbcopy > /dev/null 2>1) && echo -n "$url" | pbcopy
echo "$url"

# vim:ft=sh:tw=78

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